My Pooh-werBook
(a photo is uploaded. please check her official site)
Image of the bandaid put on my PowerBook as the battery nearly comes off while carrying around.
Well, now here let me figure out all the problems that I've recently raised and just left unsolved!
~ Winnie the Pooh = Winnie the Farter Bear suspicion ~
The son of the author A. A. Milne named his teddy bear "Winnie" after the bear "Winnipeg" that had been the star of London Zoo at that time and always loved it; he had a memory that he had come across a swan named "Pooh" during a family trip.
They say "Winnie the Pooh" was made by combining these two stories
I see . . . but, what I still don't get is its Japanese name! They've omitted the key "Winnie" and abbreviated the words to "Kuma no Pooh-san(Pooh-san the Bear) . . . Is that a good idea? Is that a last resort the translator made after wondering which to take, combination of sounds or understandability??
If I were the one on the mission, I would give more priority to the sound that kids may like and the pun of the original title, so:
"Winnie ga Pooh(Winnie does Pooh)"
- could be the name I would think up(So you really wanna take the whole story in the direction of fart thing, huh?)
. . . You know I did a translation of a picture book once. Pretty scary huh. I bet I'll never get any offers again in the future.
~ What is G of G-String? ~
The word G-String has been recognized already in the end of 19th century. However, its origin is still a mystery though there are various stories about it!
It's quite unlikely that it comes from musical terms (G-string of string instruments) considering there's a record that Americans called the fundoshi that the inhabitants of the Philippines wore as G-string. The relevance is too low.
As a result of survey, the most feasible theory I thought was that it came from the riding whip made of leather! The literature of an early date mentions it as gee-string! Gee is a shout used in horse riding, and whips were commonly called "string" in America in 19th century.
Leather whip Looks very much like Filipino inhabitants' fundoshi
Leads to the modern string-pants G-string (T-back) ! !
How is that!
Well, the truth of G is still cloaked in historical mystery. Having that said! At least it has proven that fundoshi is the original T-back!
Now I'm satisfied
P.S. It seems like my Kuma Chang's got a lot of comments and trackbacks, which made him pretty much satisfied
Thank you!