Thursday, November 18, 2010

Video viewing manual "Kuma's pot"

Bonjour “(`(エ)´)ノ彡☆!!

Almost all the movies at my YouTube official channel ( ) were taken down "due to a copyright claim" and whatnot, but they've come back this morning!

Well I said almost all, because,

There was this movie called "Kuma Chang's office visit," the hero who only remained intact and survived this disaster while all the other videos at my channel were temporarily gone - and who doubled its total number of views taking this opportunity. Here I would like to tell you a couple of points which will let you enjoy watching it more!

So let's start it here!

~the movie "Kuma Chang's office visit" viewing manual~

☆Number One

The staff staying around Kuma Chang keeping some distance from him wearing an anxious expression, as well as the sense of tension all around
(It's Chie-chan of our u3music who is staying closest to him and saying something from time to time)

☆Number Two

The patheticness of being edited and fast-forwarded in spots due to his ultra-slowness of walking in spite of his dead run, which is caused by the lack in the mobility since it's design-centric

☆Number Three

The patheticness of not being noticed quickly by the people at from 0:56 through 0:60

☆Number Four

Me who's deadly sweating in the suit, having thin oxygen with almost no sight, feeling the crisis of life, contrary to the relaxed atmosphere - seriously (FYI, I can't get out of this suit by myself, which means I'll be dead for real if left alone . . . )

☆Number Five

The secretary lady in front of the president room in the end . . . she's watching him with an amazed look isn't she?

☆Number Six

You have no idea what Kuma Chang's intention is throughout the entire video

That's the end! of the movie viewing manual "Kuma Chang's pot."
I hope you will enjoy watching "Kuma Chang's office visit" . . .

Here is the direct address to the movie by the way:

Alright see you next week! (j/k)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Release of the PV for my new song! and such . . . so much news here!

(a photo is uploaded. please check her official site)

The new PV for my new song, Goodby Happiness is now available to watch on youtube~! You know what, it's the very first video directed by me. I did my best for everything, from putting out ideas to storyboarding!

You can watch it at the address below. Along with all other past videos! Wow! Awesomeness!

You know, it might look like I've been ignoring this site since I started twitter. So sorry for you guys checking here!

Lately so much news, or should I better call it information (release of my new album, chaku-uta release of first single from the album, start of accepting ticket inquiries for my concert and such) keeps coming in in waves, and honestly I myself can't keep up with it(;・`ω・´)

Hikki's Website at EMI always moves fast and upload such information real quick while nothing appears here on u3music site . . . which I find not very good! So I asked some repair works for this site to make it easier to check news for you who's checking only this site.

I mean, a pop-up window that shows the links to my twitter page and special site of my Yokohama Arena concerts in December, as well as news and information should appear soon when accessing this site.

You may say it's too late(lo) but during this time where lots of information are buzzing I say it's -

- better late than never!

Isn't it?

On another note, I think the good thing about twitter is that you can see every tweet and image even without registration! So please click the links that you will see at around the top area of this site starting tomorrow if you have some time to spare for it (*´(エ)`)
The newest ones are shown at the top, so you may find it easier to check to scroll down first and read from the bottom…

It's getting colder and colder in Tokyo day by day! Be careful not to catch cold, take good care of yourself ´◡`

Girls, don't let your belly get cold!