Friday, October 31, 2008

Being a woman

I'm reading a book called "Being a woman," written by Yasunari Kawabata. (I'm also reading two more books in different types, or like, genres)

Was it like 5 years ago? It's been a long time since I came to announce that I'd had an operation for ovarian cystoma, and I still get a lot of asking me about that sort of diseases, from women.

What I can say is just that I've learned having an operation in your stomach (especially of those parts linked to women's delicate reproductive function) is quite tough in many ways. At that time I wasn't told any detailed information on the operation and postoperative things at all. I learned about it afterward, like, 'Oh so this turned like this, looks tough,' 'Huh? Did they do this to me?,' and 'Ah I see, this won't bother me long so I'd just get well as if nothing happened' - there were both good things and bad things, lots of things to hear.

I don't know much about the disease called endometriosis, but it looks like tough to me to have it. I can imagine there are those people, who worry about thing like the tendency to become sterile and such. A certain number of people around me have had an operation of a fibroid before or have a womb cancer - those are different kind of diseases though.

So I think it is very much important to have regular gynecologic exam. In America it's nothing special to go to gyn before you have your first period.

To know is "power," so I think it is important to get to know your own body. It's just ridiculous to get depressed because of misunderstandings as well as throw yourself into a negative thinking mode, right? It's ridiculous to be arrogant because of misunderstandings, too.

It's true that what you don't know can't hurt you, though. The most impressive thing I learned through the operation was . . . that the doctors dared not tell me about details of the operation and things after it, on purpose. It would've made me scare anyway as an "unknown" thing if they'd told me. I wanna thank them much. But I think I would've tried to get to know what I should know in that case.

After all that happened, I feel like I don't need to know everything about operations and cures, if I get sick again in the future.

That said, I wanna know about the current condition of my own body - especially about my future reproduction function if it comes to gyn diseases. Or rather should I say, the most important thing is to know about the current condition of one's own body.

I guess there are not only women but also many men who have problems of infertility.

So don't take it as a weakness that only women have . . .

As for me there aren't any problems with having a child.

What is so ironic, is that there are some people who really wanna have children but remain infertile, while there are other people who have children despite their birth control. Destiny means neither playing foul nor paying off, it just "happens" - isn't it?

I myself is a child born as a result of an unscheduled pregnancy, you know. (Which means my parents used birth control. From what I was told from them before. They failed so they had no choice but to give birth to me) There are children with such backgrounds, right. lol

Apart from that.

Yasunari Kawabata's writing is wicked cool. I don't know any English writers who could beat him. Yasunari Kawabata rocks.

I'll hit the sack after I finish reading "Being a woman"~!