Thursday, October 10, 2002

Go Gorie !

I fell asleep while watching the TV program I was looking forward to, as I couldn't stand to stay up any longer-! I blew it~!

You know, my checking the on-air time in advance is almost as rare as seeing meteor showers in Tokyo. (I'm constantly checking that of "Project X" though. Huh? Did I tell you that I've got the "Project X" DVD box set and been watching it, sobbing?? Oh, did I not tell you such an important thing?? I'm ready to tell you about it anytime if you'll be kind enough to listen to me! (lol))

The TV program is . . . called "One Night R&R," it's a comedy show and the one I missed part of was its first on-air as a special version right after it was moved to prime time. (Did you watch it??) My friends and I've been so into it from when it was a live broadcast and since then I got to root for it so so much in my heart before I was aware, especially as I had some good times with Gori-san of Garage Sale and Miyasako-san of Ameagari Kessi Tai!! I got a huge task which had to be done by last Monday, and I was shouting at the TV like "I can see Gorie on Wednesday!! I'll make it, Gorie!!(sorry to those who haven't watched the program!)" while I was working on it on my PC at home-! I was struggling with the task, gathering myself up like "I heard Kuzu will soon release a new song so I'll write a song as good as theirs!"

In spite of that!

My life cycle got out of order as I stayed up all night last Sunday, and on this last night I was so sleepy that I fell asleep without knowing it although it was past ten. Oh my! We often hear people sob themselves to sleep, but laughing themselves to sleep . . . can that happen to me?! Yes, yes it can, indeed! It's like I fell unconscious around when Gorie's appearance was over.

Wish I had poured myself a cup of coffee or something to keep me awake! I usually have some but I didn't that time!

I really would like to ask the people who watched the whole show - what's Kuzu's new song like??

(NOTES by Nuuk)
"Project X" ... (from NHK program guide) a Japanese documentary series designed to reveal the stories behind the histories of major projects that were never revealed to the public.
"Garage Sale / Ameagari Kessi Tai" ... comedy duos appearing One Night R&R.
"Gorie" ... a young girl acted by Mr. Gori of Garage Sale.
"Kuzu" ... a duo of "Hiro" (acted by Mr. Miyasako of Ameagari Kessi Tai) and "Aniki" (by Mr. Yamaguchi of Don Doko Don). One of their songs, "Kaze ga fuiteru," is featuring Hikki.