Sunday, March 08, 2009

Hopping around

( ´_ゝ`)ノBonjour♪

Seems like the video of Come Back To Me is released on Japanese iTunes Store for a week only.

Also I'm happy to learn the snippet of "Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence - FYI," a song in my new album was aired in M-Ste, and it's well appreciated!

You can preview it at

So the album release date in Japan is the 14th. Just around the corner! We've put off the release date in the US until May, as we thought it would be better to have more time for promotional activities. It seems around May is the best time cause the countermeasure to bootleg issues needs to be developed. Okay, I hope it were considered from the first (lol)

Still I heard the digital release date in the US is set on the 24th of this month, as unchanged and planned! I wanna let you listen to "FYI" as soon as possible~.

Oh speaking of which, I've got the sample CD of "This Is The One" Japanese version yesterday! And for some odd reason I opened it in a Thai restaurant!! (lol)
I gave it a look-over, pleased myself then started eating foods leaving it on the table, then this Thai employee woman came over, stared hard at the CD and asked me "Is it you ma'am?" So I cheerfully replied "Yeff! Dat's aight! *munch munch*"("Yes! That's right! *munch munch*") (●^口^●)

We've finished proofreading the official books and they're to be released on the 19th in Japan. All the staff put an extremely lot of work into them, seriously. So far the books have a very good reputation from the concerned people who've already read them. I'm pretty sure both "Ten" and "Sen" have turned out to be very interesting, good books so I wanna put them out into the world as soon as possible.

The album is finished, two books wrapped up and I'm here exhausted, but lots of work never stop coming and I have no time to tire myself out, man this is tough. _| ̄|○ I wanna take a break for a while. _| ̄|○

This month is like full of promotions in the US. Radio shows, internet, TV appearances ... there are many things scheduled.

I'll do my best, hoping I won't fall down!

Anyway, Thai food is really good. I love it more than I can say. I also love Vietnamese food and Indian food. But probably my most favorite would be Japanese food (*´ー`*)