Saturday, December 15, 2007

People like free of charge stuff

(a photo is uploaded. please check her official site)

I saw the news!

So Automatic, distributed free of charge for 4 days, has had 500,000 downloads, right?!

Isn't that amazing! (the power of free of charge is . . . ! (lol) )

People are susceptible to free of charge . . . hehehe . . .

Well, seriously, this number is much more than we could expect. Guys thanks you for downloading, even if it's free of charge.

My dad and Miyake-san were surprised at this. Or rather should I say, freaked out. (lol)

Free of charge distribution, doesn't exactly mean that no one spends money: put simply it means that we are to bear the expenses.

I heard that this free of charge distribution had been realized by the decision that my office and EMI were going to bear those costs like the song royalties.

It was a big fun for me to watch my dad and Miyake-san, freaked out a lil bit by the number of downloads increasing at an incredible rate of speed. The more the download increases, the more they must pay. (lol) The company and my office receive the royalties as well, but have more expenses.

I've never thought about this before, but the royalties are something that are to be paid to me with no exceptions, no matter if I said "This time I am going to carry out a plan like this on this condition, so I do not need any royalties concerned with the sales of these!"

Having heard about those circumstances, I said "if that's the case, then I'll refund the royalties paid to me again back to my office and the company, so that no one has loss!", but it was declined. Well, they said they declined my offer as the plan was decided to express our hearty thanks to all the people.

So, the tabloid headlines said "Generous Utada!", but actually it should have been "Generous U3MUSIC and EMI MUSIC JAPAN!" (lol)

Aside from this, look at the image above.

These blue roses jumped to my eyes when I was looking at a flower shop to kill time while waiting for my friend!
They are not dyed. It seems like, it's been found out how to raise blue roses.

I bought 5 roses and gave them to my friend! My friend might have preferred pink ones, as she is a girl . . .