Monday, September 24, 2007

Someone like you

(a photo is uploaded. please check her official site)


Took a loooooooooooong time to put this out here, but anywayz this is the commemorative picture taken when Miracle Hikaru san came to see me on the tour last year and we met in the dressing room right before the show. Miracle san looked casual and normal, not with the "Utada Hikaru-ish" makeup she puts on at work. She's a a cute woman.

My staff around told me she didn't look like me that much with no makeup afterwards, but looking at this picture I have a feeing she does kinda look like me . . . is it just me?

I'm so happy to learn some of you agreed that Jeff Buckley looks like Ito Hideaki! (lol)

As for Ethan Hawke, some of you who know him agreed with me. I also found a couple of people telling me he (Jeff Buckley) looks like James Dean, to give an example of westerner guy. I agree James Dean really looks like him, but I have a feeling that, his hairstyle, face expressions and mood remind us of Jeff but his face parts. I thought like that, having seen various types of his photos.

You know, there's this ke-tai site called "Kao Cheki!", right? The site that let you know the analysis date of which celebrity you look like, after you submit your face photo to it.

I got a bunch of emails from you guys telling me "Why don't you try it Hikaru-chan!" so I tried it the other day . . .

And the results were . . .

No. 1 Hoshino Aki

No. 2 Yoshizawa Hitomi

That's the answer I got from it. (No. 3 was an idol girl I didn't know)

. . . Ho, Hoshino Aki?! Yoshizawa Hitomi?!


I mean,

Why I didn't get Utada Hikaru ! ! (lol)

Maybe it depends on the type of picture - I thought so and sent a couple of different photos to it, but got the same results every time.

Among those fan mails that let me know about "Kao Cheki" I remember some people told me "I tried it and the result was Utada Hikaru!" so it IS in the database for sure . . .

But I half expected it actually, cuz people tell me I'm totally different from what I look like in the photos whenever I meet them face to face. I half expected "Utada Hikaru" wouldn't come out if I submit my usual picture to it.

Some time ago, when my American band members came to Japan they told me "we saw someone that totally looked like you on the cover of a gravure magazine!!", so I got the magazine and guess what, it was Hoshino Aki san who was on the cover . . . There was such an episode . . .

Have I got any parts that look like her?! I don't think so. I mean, I'm like I wanna say sorry to Hoshino Aki san . . . I mean it . . .
I'm sorry . . . (._.*)