Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Dream (continued from the last entry)

(a photo is uploaded. please check her official site)

Let's see, hmm . . .

Well I knew it, that he could never win the 1st prize . . . but I'll check all the other winning numbers for him, also.

"How is it   How is it   Hikaru-chan"

'Wait just another second or two . . . Come to think of it, you also got the Year-end lottery tickets last year, right. 'Cause you asked me to buy them as the Christmas gift. That time you were completely defeated, but seems like you are a persistent Kuma, aren't you~'

"Me   is the kuma   who never look back   to the past"

'I see, all right . . . Oh, Oh my ! ! The last digit matches one of the winning numbers, Kuma Chang ! ! !'

"Eh   Eh   What does it mean   300 million yen?"

'Well, you know, it's actually 300 yen . . . "


' . . . It's 300 YEN.'

" . . . 300 YEN . . . ?"

'Hey, don't take it to heart. You bought just 3 tickets and one of them matched the last digit, which is a great thing! You got a better result than the Year-end Jumbo!'

" . . . "

'(Two Kanji letters, 人(human) and 夢(dream), make the letter 儚(transient) together . . . Seems like Kuma's dream is transient too . . . )'

" . . . "

'Why don't we buy the tickets again next time? Kuma Chang!'

" . . . "