Saturday, January 03, 2004

First post of the new year

A Happy New Year!

I passed the year with just a feeling like "Ah, here comes a new day," but now I'm sort of getting excited! Seems like so many things are gonna happen this year . . . by the way, today is 2nd of January, the Beginning-of-Work day for me. All right, may this year be the best for you too!

Happy New Year, everybody! Here in New York, we're all relieved that nothing horrible happened in the city, and that we were able to enter the new year peacefully... but a lot of places in the world are in fact at war. We'll continue praying for everyone, ourselves, and for this planet Earth!

Love, Hikaru

(NOTE by Nuuk)
The last paragraph(Italic) is quoted from the original message and not the translation.