Friday, January 19, 2001

I turned an 18 years old girl!

I finally turned 18! I'm still 18! Oh boy, I've always adored this age. I kinda like the sound of the word "18 years old"!

The video shooting for my new song started at 10 AM in this morning, finished some while ago and just returned home. I'm sure it's gonna be a fun video!! It's so human in one sense, as well as so 21-century-ish in another sense . . . He he he he. I'm so sleepy . . . We thought of having some cups of coffee to keep awake around past 2 AM. That was just about it, but I was half broken and had hot coffee mixed with plenty of Mitsuya Cider and grapefruit juice before I knew it . . . On top of that, I'd been laughing my head off with the staff people throughout this weird behavior! All those things were recorded as a part of PV-making clips, so it might be released some day. So, you ask me what it tasted like? I discussed with Okita-san the director, like "Tastes like gastric juice" "It's the taste of regret" and such. Another leading theory is "It tastes like incomplete coke"! Aww the image of the song is about to collapse . . . (lol)

So all my appearances are already shot, but the staff people are still doing shooting works on site! I hope it's gonna be a nice video! At first things were supposed to be over by 10 PM of 18th but actually it delayed about 6 hours or so, and as a result of it! Yup! That means you'll see me both in 17 and 18 years old in the video! OMG I've never made such a video before! Could this possible excite the maniac people's interest?? Or it couldn't??

On this my birthday I'll take a little break, while wrapping up the last song for the album at the same time . . . on upcoming 20th I'll record the song, then all the songwriting and recording works will be over!! After that "mixing work" for each song is to be done, then comes "mastering" . . . Jeez the completion moment is just around the corner!! Things will all work out~!

Oops I just heard those cheery voices of Mezamashi TV . . . Their bright "Ohayou Gozaimasu" weighs heavily on me this morning(lol) So, now I go into the unconscious for the first time after I turned 18" Good night!