Saturday, January 19, 2008

The date has been changed, and

(a photo is uploaded. please check her official site)

I've reached my 25th birthday - - - ! !

Happy birthday - - - ! To me - !

My friends gathered together and treated me to yakiniku dinner!

How happy I am, to eat delicious meat without going out hunting ! ! ! Bravo to our modern world!

I ate a bunch of harami! It was so yummy, that I even thought it was a shame to swallow it down. If only I could chew and taste it forever!

Well, that's what happened, in the evening.

In the afternoon I took a little break from the studio works, and when I was shopping, hanging around in Shibuya I passed in front of the radio station booth in Spain zaka.

When I appear in here at work there's always a lot of people, guard staff also, so Spain zaka gets quite hyper, crowded, but it feels kinda strange to see nobody is here when I hang around in an ordinary day.

As a matter of fact, I often pass by around here. Hang around here, hatless.

I did shopping in PARCO 3!

It was fun. I bought an one-piece! Gehehehe . . .

I drank a lot( ^w^)
Ate a lot( ^w^)

Good nighty~!