Thursday, September 13, 2007

Good morning

(a photo is uploaded. please check her official site)

Let me resume to talk about "Utada" family thing I was talking about earlier. (Yes that's right, I missed the timing and that's why I'm writing this now)

This is a illustration in that Tokuji booklet . . .

The Utada house is soooo big --- ! (lol)

Three times as big as other houses around (lol)

Just how much living, dining rooms and kitchen it got?!

(And apparently this is a battleground area of geta stores, right?!)

Jeez, seeing this hugeness there's no wonder the Utada family was a 大庄屋(dai-shouya).

By the way I investigated dai-shouya and found it didn't mean something like unpopular officers that I guessed earlier. They were indeed in the role to govern a lot of mura(villages), but they were also in the caretaker-like position, who led some tax-reduction movements and helped people getting in trouble.

Good to learn about this~ (^0^)

Also, here is the information I got from a fan of me by email quite some time ago, and it says . . .

A samurai person in Okayama pref. called "Utada Koshiro(宇多田小四郎)" appears in a Ryotaro Shiba novel called "Tales of Harimanada(播磨灘物語)." (on the page 74, volume 4)

It's said like that!

Maybe I'll read this "Tales of Harimanada"!